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 Honor guard



Henry Dube


Alex McCann

Ben McCann

 Dan Cotnoir

Randy McCrillis

Billy Laverrier




In October (2008) the VFW formed a new post Honor Guard. It has been an honor to perform services at the rededication of the Lawrence Vietnam Memorial in Oct. 2008, then in Nov. 2008, Methuen Santa Parade, Havehill Santa Parade and ending the year representing the post in the Salem, NH Christmas Parade winning 1st place in the Honor Guard category. 

        The group consist of Henry Dube, Alex McCann, Ben McCann, Dan Cotnoir, Billy Laverrier, and Randy McCrillis. This group of guys has come a long way in a short amount of time, drilling regularly, on a weekly basis, and the improvement shows.
         After a short break in January, we will begin working on funeral details in February. we would like to express "Our Thanks" to the post for providing the new uniforms, they look sharp!

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